Tiger Scientific Inc.

F. Peter Boer
Opportunity: The Hidden Side of Wealth is readily accessible to the non-technical reader and provides unique insights into how value is created in a modern economy.
What is Tiger Scientific Inc.?
"Plans are Options!"

Tiger Scientific is the commercial vehicle for consulting and investment services in the technology arena, provided by Dr. F. Peter Boer and his associates.

Tiger Scientific offers a variety of services for corporations and organizations involved in R&D.


Books by F. Peter Boer
Opportunity: The Hidden Side of Wealth - just published!
Opportunity: The Hidden Side of Wealth - just published!

Opportunity gives a fresh notion on problem solving and planning.  Everything you need to know to improve strategy and resolution has been discussed in-depth in this book.  It’s up to you how you will take and accept this newfound learning.

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ISBN 13 (TP): 978-1-4415-9934-6
ISBN 13 (HB): 978-1-4415-9935-3


Technology Valuation Solutions
Technology Valuation Solutions  - also in print

"A must read for any current or aspiring CTO."

In Technology Valuation Solutions, expert Peter Boer shares the concepts, case histories, and software that he has developed over his thirty years of direct experience in managing technology and technology-based businesses.

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The Real Options Solution
The Real Options Solution - also in print
"Plans are Options!"

The Real Options Solution is readily accessible to the non-technical reader and provides unique insights into how value is created in a modern economy.

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The Value of Technology
The Valuation of Technology - also in print
"Value cannot be created without risk!"

Valuation of Technology is written for business executives and R&D professionals and is a must for those directly concerned about financing and managing R&D.

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