Tiger Scientific Inc.

Opportunity: The Hidden Side of Wealth - just published!
Opportunity: The Hidden Side of Wealth will stimulate everyone interested in economics and technology, especially business executives, investors, and policymakers.
Opportunity: The Hidden Side of Wealth - just published
"When Opportunity knocks…it offers answers."

Dr. F. Peter Boer exemplifies the principles of Opportunity as the answer to today’s economic, environmental, and social issues. In this thought-provoking and informative read, he invites everyone interested in economics and technology, especially those business executives, investors, and policy makers, who need a new perspective on today’s principal problems, to have an open mind.

He introduces Opportunity and its principles as a means of explaining and resolving the many issues of the world today.

Opportunity is the hidden factor that explains why so many solutions proposed for today’s problems will fall far wide off the mark. Conventional and expensive proposals to solve many of the famous issues of our times – including energy, climate change, commoditization, the demographic inversion, and conflict will almost certainly go far astray if the element of opportunity is disregarded. Conventional forecasts still take no account of what we know about opportunity, uncertainty, and risk. Changing circumstances inevitably create unforeseen opportunities. The error is compounded when policies lock societies into large commitments that fail to respect intrinsic uncertainty or unseen feedback effects.

Dr. F. Peter Boer has the breadth of experience to judge the factors that will shape the coming decades. He is an expert on how new ideas are transformed into practical technology and value-creating businesses. A Harvard PhD in Chemical Physics, with a BA in Physics from Princeton, he is the author of three leading books on Valuation and Technology and Options Theory that have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, among other languages. He has published hundreds of papers on science, technology, and finance. He has taught technology finance at the Yale School of Management and Environmental Engineering at Yale University. He has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering. He has served as a director on more than 5 corporate boards, been an executive vice president and CTO of a Fortune 50 company, served as an advisor on the board of Los Alamos National Laboratory, and numerous university advisory boards. Thus, his 40 years of real world experience blends the perspective of a board director, a top corporate executive, an R&D manager, and a scientific professional.

Learn more at www.opportunityandwealth.com

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