Tiger Scientific Inc.

Opportunity: The Hidden Side of Wealth - just published!
Opportunity: The Hidden Side of Wealth will stimulate everyone interested in economics and technology, especially business executives, investors, and policymakers.
Opportunity: The Hidden Side of Wealth - just published
"When Opportunity knocks…it offers answers."

Opportunity gives a fresh notion on problem solving and planning.  Everything you need to know to improve strategy and resolution has been discussed in-depth in this book.  It’s up to you how you will take and accept this newfound learning.

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Technology Valuation Solutions
Technology Valuation Solutions - just published
"A must read for any current or aspiring CTO."

In Technology Valuation Solutions, expert Peter Boer shares the concepts, case histories, and software that he has developed over his thirty years of direct experience in managing technology and technology-based businesses.Boer skillfully combines financial perspectives, sensible management methods, and real world experience to show you the way to practical value-based R&D management.

Technology Valuation Solutions is structured around a series of situations or cases requiring analysis. A problem is posed and solution is outlined in detail In the process the methodology is illustrated and its features discussed The companion CD-ROM includes Microsoft Excel templates you can use in concert with the text or to build your own models when confronting a new problem with its own special circumstances.

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The Real Options Solution
The Real Options Solution - just published
"Plans are Options!"

Real options theory is based on Nobel Prize-winning work on financial options, and has captured the interest of executives, managers, and investors who need to understand the future profitability of an asset.

Originally developed to value technology initiatives and companies, the method is now being applied broadly across various businesses and industries.

The Real Options Solution offers comprehensive coverage of the real options approach with a five-step framework and examples for applying the author's unique Total Value Model based on Real Options analysis. This approach will help executives and investors minimize the risk of committing to new ventures and delivers a framework flexible enough to apply to business initiatives in all types of companies.

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The Valuation of Technology
The Valuation of Technology
"Value cannot be created without risk!"

The Valuation of Technology is a timely and thoughtful book on a critical issue in the global business arena.

Peter Boer's insights constitute important reading for leaders in all fields.
- Jeffrey E. Garten, Dean, Yale School of Management

"The Valuation of Technology fills a critical void for those executives who wish to upgrade technology decision making from an art to a more definable science."
- George B. Rathmann, Chairman and CEO, ICOS Corporation

Technology valuation has replaced risk management as the management approach to analyzing the profitability of current and future technology projects. The Valuation of Technology: Business and Financial Issues in R&D explores the link between research and development and shareholder value in a comprehensive way, providing mathematical models for the valuation of R&D projects and answering critical questions on how to analyze technology initiatives and forecast their future value.

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